
    Type and Edit Text on Meetboard

    You can use the on-screen keyboard or an external keyboard to add and edit the text in Meetboard apps.

    Enter Text Using the Onscreen Keyboard

    In any app that allows text editing, open the onscreen keyboard by tapping a text field. You can drag the onscreen keyboard to move it wherever you want.

    While entering text, you can do any of the following:

    You can also use USB or Bluetooth keyboards to enter text.

    Select and Revise Text

    To insert, revise or replace text, do any of the following:

    After selecting the text you want to revise, you can type or tap the selection to see options.

    Learn the Meaning of the Status Icons

    The icons in the status bar at the top of the screen provide information about Meetboard:

    Status Icon What it Means
    wifi Wi-Fi  Meetboard has a Wi-Fi Internet connection. Tap to check Wi-Fi settings.
    share Ethernet  Meetboard has an active Ethernet connection. Tap to check LAN settings.
    usb USB  A USB drive is connected. Tap to view the contents of the drive.