Hochwertiges gehärtetes Optikglas, kratz-, staub- und wasserfest, leicht zu reinigen.
Patentiertes Verfahren verhindert Geisterbilder und sorgt für langfristige Bildschärfe.
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Sales Person contact in AG Neovo *
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RMA Return Type *
D.O.A. (Dead On Arrival) ReturnsWarranty Repair ReturnsNon Warranty Repair Returns
The cause of return, please pick the box (es) below or explain in the “ Explanation of Defect ” box *
Please pick the box of proper statement that connects to defect cause, also indicate the visible defect and any explanation can help us to find out defect part.
No PowerNo ImageNo SoundPower saving NGLCD light inactivatesImage NoiseStripe NoiseScrambled ImageImage OffsetColor NGRed MissingGreen MissingBlue MissingMonitor crashed after auto adjustmentOthers, Please indicate in the following “Defect” box.
Explanation of Defect:
(Please indicate the defect as etailed as possible that will enforce this case closed sooner, you may attach the photos to help us to figure out the defect or problem. As precious as possible please.)
If you have further question please email to Service Department with following e-mail addresses service.de@agneovo.com or tel number 31-10-442-57-37
I agree that the data will be stored in accordance with the guidelines set out in AG Neovo's Privacy Policy. *