
    AG Neovo, taking displays to a new height at the Willer Balloon Sail

    For the spectators, the applied ISA solution with the AXIS cameras over the field, as well as the permanent presentation with the AG NEOVO monitors over 10 days without failure was a great innovation, which calls for repetition in 2020.

    - Mr. Christoph Laloi, Event Manager

    Safety that excites you

    It might seem contradictory to think of safety as something that gives you an adrenalin rush but creating secure environments with powerful technology does exactly that for the team at ISA. That sense of safety also helps you to get more enjoyment if for example you are floating on a hot air balloon. Knowing that the environment surrounding you is looked after makes it easier to experience those indescribable feelings that come with adventure. Thousands of people did just that the “Willer Balloon Sail”, part of Northern Europe’s largest summer festival: Kieler Woche, from the 21st to the 30th of June 2019. AG Neovo injected their own sense of wonder with the TX-42P and QX-55 displays.

    Strong connectivity in every situation

    Coming up with solutions is all part of ISA’s daily routine and when displays are involved, the solution usually involves an AG Neovo product as they only like to offer the best. This occasion was a little different to the rest. Instead of finding a client solution, they were attending an event and wanted to find a way to improve the already strong connection between their suppliers and clients. Making sure that the usual high standards were kept, AG Neovo brought along some of their highest resolution displays, the QX-55 and the TX-42P interactive display.

    Displaying an impressive spectacle within this impressive spectacle

    200,000 visitors over 10 days will tell you that there is so much to see and do at the Willer Balloon Sail, from live music to glider aerobatics and more but of course, it is almost impossible to see it all. That’s where AG Neovo came in. Protected with metal housing and patented NeoV™ Optical Glass, the AG Neovo QX-55 display used detailed images and vibrant colours to display 4K quality event highlights from the main tent. The AG Neovo TX-42P had a different task. Made for continuous use, the virtually latency free displays offered greetings, advertisements, time and weather information around the site.

    A glow that will last forever

    As evening fell, every spectator saw something truly magical, balloons rising into the darkness with music and fire lighting the ground beneath them. As they continued to climb, their glow, filmed with AXIS 4K / UHD cameras, brought wonder to thousands of eyes. Every moment was presented on the AG Neovo displays and the glow was captured forever. The Balloon sail’s organisers were so impressed that they asked AG Neovo to return next year.

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