
    AG Neovo, displaying 4 sources of joy to the skipper of the Hendrika Jacoba in the Netherlands

    Some recent new construction projects are now sailing weekly and the skippers are very enthusiastic about the supplied displays from AG Neovo and Multi-Monitor Software, which assist them daily to safely and efficiently navigate day-in, day-out to the most beautiful schools of fish.

    Meindert-Jan de Boer

    “Skipper!” came the call. “What do you see?”

    “Well, my boy, I see the future”
    Let’s be honest, that answer wouldn’t be very helpful on the Hendrika Jacoba, a fishing vessel that is almost as beautiful as the sea it sails in. Even when the sea takes a dark turn, when storms brew, when lighting strikes, when thunder roars, the Hendrika Jacoba (GY 127) sticks to its task. That task is made easier by the future of technology, provided by De Boer Marine and their suppliers, such as display experts, AG Neovo.

    Displaying the right information

    Getting everything right on a trawler is about so much more than being able to sail from A to B. At any moment, the crew will be concentrating on numerous challenges such as finding the right spot to trawl, making sure that they are aware of their surroundings and keeping an eye on the constantly changing conditions. To reduce the chances of things going wrong, information is key. That’s why having displays that are clear, robust and easily positioned, exactly where they are needed is vital.

    4 sources, 1 screen, the AG Neovo QX-Series

    Using the multi-monitor software, developed by De Boer Marine, AG Neovo’s 4 source displays are perfect for the Hendrika Jacoba, as they have been for the Spess Nova (UK 205), the Jonge Johannes (LT 295) and the Anna (UK 24). These displays are all part of the QX-Series, which are made to last longer with Anti-Burn-in™ technology, stay stronger with a metal housing and look like they belong anywhere with protective NeoV™ Optical Glass.

    2021 QX in Fishing Vessel pic1
    Spess Nova (UK 205)
    2021 QX in Fishing Vessel pic2
    Jonge Johannes (LT 295)
    2021 QX in Fishing Vessel pic3
    Anna (UK 24)

    The skipper’s view

    With so much advanced technology right in front of the skipper, fishing safely and more productively has never been easier. This has caused a fervour among sailing crews who have embraced the future of fishing. Maybe “I see the future” was the right answer, after all.

    “Some recent new construction projects are now sailing weekly and the skippers are very enthusiastic about the supplied displays from AG Neovo and Multi-Monitor Software, which assist them daily to safely and efficiently navigate day-in, day-out to the most beautiful schools of fish” – Meindert-Jan de Boer

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