
    # Interactive Displays

    A group of people is using Meetboard interactive display with FMC-06 mobile cart in a meeting room

    What is the New Wireless Presentation Solution for Hybrid Meetings?

    What are the best options for the wireless presentation solution for your hybrid meetings? We'll take a look at some of the best here.

    A group of people is using Meetboard interactive displays for business collaboration

    How to Choose the Best Interactive Displays for Business?

    The meeting room is one of the most pivotal parts of any business. It provides the backdrop to invaluable business collaboration, client discussions, or employee training. But, how to choose the best interactive displays for business? Read this blog.

    Meetboard Demo Room_Airplay

    Tips: Screen Sharing & Wireless Presentation on Meetboard® Interactive Displays

    This blog will demonstrate how to use AirPlay, Chromecast, and Miracast to do screen mirroring from your own personal devices on Meetboard.

    Meetboard Demo Room_Video Conference

    Tips: How to Do Video Conferencing on Meetboard® Interactive Displays

    This blog will demonstrate how Meetboard is ready for video conferencing and how to host a Zoom meeting on Meetboard.

    Meetboard Demo Room _Digital Whiteboard App

    Tips: How to Use Digital Whiteboard on Meetboard® Interactive Displays

    This blog will demonstrate how to use Meetboard, Google Jamboard, and PC-based Microsoft whiteboard applications on Meetboard.

    Meetboard Demo Room _Instant Annotation Tool

    Tips: Instant Annotation Tool on Meetboard® Interactive Displays

    This blog will demonstrate how to annotate a markup using our annotation tool. You can annotate on any application or any video input via Meetboard.

    IFP Series in ITES 1100x550 1

    AG Neovo, Meeting the expectations of trust placed in them by ITES GMBH, with Meetboard™

    Draw or Write on Meetboard Whiteboard App

    Organize Files and Folders on Meetboard

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